Saturday, April 28, 2012

Go Figure

There are times when I think my hobbit house has a life of its own when I'm not around. I just came in after a short afternoon outing, and I swear either someone was here or this place came to life while I was out. The mail slot was open, which I know it wasn't when I left, a couple of papers on my desk were on the floor (coulda been the Beest)... but nothing's missing and nothing's really amiss. It's weird, it just feels like something went on when I was out. Or someone was here. Ya know that feeling?

And I just had a flurry of phone calls. So many people in transition. People leaving jobs, people wondering what they'll do next, people having issues at work and with those in their lives. It seems the Year of Living on Edge has bled into a Spring of Uncertainty. So very much uproar and discontent going around. I have no answers. I listen, commiserate, then sit and worry about everyone.

Thank gods for AlkaSeltzer.

The pix I ordered from the concert arrived. Even the most puzzling of days holds little niceties. I'll get a set together for Strider and send her a small surprise.

Me, I'm going to sink into this old wingchair, put something engrossing but meaningless on the idiotbox and hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

As long as things don't appear to have moved around after a nap...I'd hate for strange forces to be at work while you were there and asleep. Seriously, I think maybe the Beest is just exploring her surroundings.

Austan said...

The papers, yeah, but she couldn't have done the mail slot. That's what I get for not locking the door!

Elephant's Child said...

We have similar issues from time to time. Things that the cats are unable to reach/move will be repositioned. Just slightly. Weird, and on the right day, a little spooky.

CarrieBoo said...

(That is a bit spooky.) Who knows who Beest invites over when you're not there. She's a bit of a party animal that one.

Hope things settle down today.

Austan said...

EC- Ever since having roommates in the 70s and 80s, I have a sense when someone's been in my space. It's more that feeling that went off. I know what you mean, though. It all goes in the x-file. Things that move, things that disappear and reappear in odd places...

Austan said...

Carrie- She can't be trusted. I've seen her dial the phone. And I'd hate to think what sort of friends she's made around here. She's a spiteful little Beest!