Monday, January 2, 2023

Onward At Last!

It's 2023. We're firmly in The 2020s. I never thought I'd see these years after the nuke fallout drills, wars and threats of wars, drugs, alcoholism, city living, AIDS, prescribed opioids, heart issues, blah blah blah. I'm not special, most people my age got all this too. Nobody I talk to thinks they would live this long. Yet, as they say, here we are.

I'm glad to kick 2022's ass out the door. Getting Covid twice (after 3 shots) wasn't so bad after all. But what sucked was all my friends being sick, one after another with one thing or another. Bugs galore. One that took your voice. One that gave you the runs for weeks. One that filled your head so you had to mouth breathe and couldn't sleep (I hate mouthbreathing!). We didn't see each other for months at a time- crowning 3 years of distance, 3 years of no Game Nights, 3 years of sitting here online way too much. And the weather was screwy too making the creek rise and cuing my PTSD, which turns me into InstaBitch (not that that's much of a push). So yeah, get the hell out, '22. Take the sicknesses, TFG,  the assholes who follow him, and his pal Putin, my neighbor Goggles, all the petty tin gods around, and shove them all so far up an orifice they never know fresh air again.


What will happen this year? Good, bad, just meh? Anyone have predictions?

Happy New Year, everyone. I wish you health and laughter, strength and good surprises.
