Saturday, October 29, 2022

Austanspace: the Final Frontier

So Musk has bought Twatter and is proceeding to stink up the place. Since he's become a MAGAt, it will no doubt become another MeWe, full of fascists and stupidity.  Well that's about it for social media. When it comes to the point that you have to give up personal info just to log into their craptastic site; when your 'free speech' is threatened and subject to approval by, and privately owned by, some rich freak, screw it. I intend to treat it as it deserves. hehehe

Okie cousin was here, sparkles and spandex and very much like Meemaw on "Young Sheldon" but with a platinum page boy. There was much "getting to know you" since we had 6 days and nobody came out with her. I may go into detail at some point, but we have more in common than we knew.

Halloween is Monday, Samhain following. It's like this last month folded  and reopened a couple weeks later. This year I'm dressing up as the elderly Luna Lovegood. still in her Ravenclaw robes, her wild blonde hair and weird earrings flying.

We're still working on the Herman movie, and I gotta run because we're having a chat about some issues in a couple minutes. So til next time, Happy Halloween and keep 'em guessing!



Elephant's Child said...

Lovely to see a post from you. Blogging is as close as I come to social media. There is enough nastiness in the world already.
Happy Halloween (which we don't celebrate).

Austan said...

EC! It's looking like blogging is going to be my social media, too. I may keep Twatter just to steal memes, but nothing says I must post...So far... We'll see. I didn't post for years but my account was still there. It's all made the country more hateful.
You don't celebrate Halloween, but wish me a happy. I dig it. x