Monday, February 27, 2017

The February Summer

All the snow we had since December and January has melted down. The maze walls that lined our pathways are small white ridges, speckled brown. Looks like a crumbcake around here.

For the last weeks temps rose bizarrely, from almost-reasonable 50'sF to the quite strange mid-70'sF. February, Vermont, 70'sF. That's just not right. By Billy in NJ, it's been close to 80'. Those denying Climate Change, please get your heads out your asses. Shit is real and here already.

I'm in this unsettled position over this. Winter is my less painy time, and so this warmth sucks. On the other hand, no snow means no worrying about anyone outside doing whatever they would that could result in heart attacks or accidents. But this is February, the harsh month, the month of death anniversaries and unrelenting freezing middle fingers from Mother Nature. That's what it's always been, until the last 2 years. Now the maple syrup army clamour to tap and collect in a hurry, just in case this is their one shot at the period of warm days and cool nights when the sap runs, the one that usually happens about a month from now. Now the ski industry uses a helluva lot of water making snow. And manmade snow just isn't the same, we all know it. Now there are blooms popping out, south of us. In February.

The Hair is proving to be just as nuts as we thought. Who knows where this runaway carnival ride will go.

Trump Bans the Free Press 

Beest is getting hyperthyroid stuff in her ears every day. She couldn't tolerate the food. But she's taking this well, and someday maybe perhaps, we'll remove the bubble on her poor wee head.

My hands are both crappy now, but at least in different ways. And I need to stop typing.

I hope your February has treated you kindly.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am enjoying this warm weather, but my granddaughters are bummed out because besides not getting any snow days off, their ski passes that they got for Christmas are getting little use. Good news for them; snow is on the horizon for Friday.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

This whole winter has been mostly a no-show here. There were a handful of days I actually had to wear a jacket, but that's it. A much-hyped "winter storm" ended up being much ado about nothing... a little bit of icing that lasted less than a day. Right now, all kinds of flowers and trees are in bloom, and the pollen count is over the moon.

Geo. said...

After 8 years drought, we got enough rain to calve half of California into the sea. Another year of this and I'll have beach frontage. Climate change is an understatement.

only slightly confused said...

I know it sounds crazy to most folks but I would prefer an good old fashioned winter and a healthy planet to this weird weather we're getting. Still, it does mean those in wheelchairs and scooters can get around a bit which is probably a treat for them. We have one tree the street over from us that has bloom buds on it. Sad, because now they will all freeze off . It's snowing today. Good wishes for the kitty baby and for your poor hands.

only slightly confused said...

How goes it over there girl? You've been AWOL for quite a while now.