It's so damn clear that this country is an oligarchy leaning toward fascism that I don't know how peep can still be blind to it. I just saw a post (oh when the hell will I just quit Fecebook?) about some US soldier who royally fucked up and is going to do life for desertion. He'd been held and tortured by the Taliban for 5 years. Then some asshat on the newsfeed goes off about him being a Libtard's idol. Then I see a Cheeto Von Tweeto report and some Dem is yelling that this is all the fault of the Bernie supporters. It's getting to the point that I don't care what happens anymore. People are just so rotten and stupid (I find they often go together) that it would be less than Darwinian for this to go on. Our ignorance and stupidity will bury us.
With hindsight, I see where and how the dumbing down and instilled mean-ness was programmed into our US culture. Greed started it. Greed feeds it. The oligarchs get rich by our hate, ignorance and pettiness. Encouraged from every angle, socially engineered. Turn the lower classes against each other so they don't unite and take down the despots. It's nothing new, this douchebaggery raises its head every so often. And we all divvy up bits of cherrypicked religiousity and/or "patriotism" so we feel self-righteous about being scum of the Earth, too. Quite a heady brew from Hell.
We have a hateful, halfwit, crude game show host in the White House.
Violence is the everyday norm now.
Our Congress is literally selling us out and making us pay to be sold.
We've only seen the beginning.
Just be aware. This is happening.
11 months ago
We cast a jaundiced eye toward the South.....I'm wondering about a wall....a really high one......
I watch from the other side of the world in horror. And despair because more than a few of our own oxygen thieves are encouraged by what they see in the White House.
Dear Laura, don't you dare despair. The very fact that our country still exists depends on what prior administrations did right, upon men and women who swing the hammers and process food, maintain cities and services. It is oligarchy, indeed, but it depends on unions, municipal utilities, stevedores, shipping clerks, factory workers and farmers, every sort of worker who pays into health insurance and retirement funds that invest in lucrative corporations. These people are us. And when we reach a point --as we are reaching now-- where our stability is threatened by an unstable administration, we must, as we have in our country's past, pull our shoulders from under and let it come down.
Geo said it all. I am old and will soon be gone, but I have skin in the game, my children and grandchildren. I want a country that is led by people who are just, wise, and kind. I think President Obama, although not perfect, came closest to that. I know there are others like him and we need them NOW!!
There seems to be some sort of... pride, I guess, in saying the most awful things in every situaiton. Of having a such a strong opinion on every topic that one can always insult someone in the harshest terms no matter the subject matter.
Maybe I'm not outraged enough.
People should try and be be nicer to one another. It would make life easier for everyone.
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