We had a lovely old-fashioned snowstorm. The Shire is swathed in big ol' drifts of white, which I got up at 3 a.m. to watch. But it was nowhere near the red alert they'd hyped it up to be.
I'd gone out to try to make a snowman or 2 to surprise my nabes but that wind was fierce and the snow was almost sandy it was so powdery. I gave up quickly- just the fallen snow was over my Beanboot tops. Then I went back to bed when the sun came up and burst through the blowing sheets of snow, after 7 a.m. I could get out the back door at 3 a.m., but not at 7 a.m. when I tried again. This year's snow clearers are really clueless around here. The path they finally made out back (I can't use the front until my walker's brake is fixed and there's still nobody to fix it) was meant for small children in single file- a shovel wide. The kind of shoveling job that'd get me grounded when I was a kid. I'd knocked a bunch back down into the path just trying to get outside. To my amazement and happiness, I didn't have to bitch; neighbors were already out at 1 p.m. with their walkers and canes, yelling and gesticulating at the nimrods who were plainly working against, not with, each other. But the drifts! They're now up over my back windows. Good insulation; my house is quite snug.
Anyway, it's only a foot or so. We have it well sorted out. All of our neighboring states declared an emergency. We quietly went about business. True, the PO didn't open or deliver (and I've got a bone to pick with them about a delivery they claim they made but didn't) but all the stores downtown just shoveled and opened like always.
That's our Main St.
So yes, snow came. There are 8 ft piles and 5 ft drifts all around, and the wind is up, but it's Winter in Vermont. It's good to feel normal.
11 months ago
I won't lie and say I'm a fan of winter but I do believe it is far more healthy to have a normal old fashioned winter.
I've become a fan of every season but Summer! It's really good to have an old-fashioned, grouse about the snow, nose-running, eyes tearing, wet wool-smelling Winter, isn't it?
I really like the 3 p.m. pic of Main St. Under the beautiful "Brattleborough Vermont" clock. Snow changes the looks of everything so quickly, so quietly.
It's like your maiden auntie came to decorate for Christmas. But I must correct you, Geo.: it's officially "Brattleboro" and it's the only one on the face of the Earth. The town's marketing is: "The One and Only." And some say "That's good."
Hi Laura,
Ah yes, your snowstorm. Your map looks remarkably like a normal summer's day in lil' ol' England. Okay, slight exaggeration :)
That snowstorm is on the news here on the telly. Now that Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has recovered from our recent snowstorm, she will volunteer her snow ploughing using her nose, duties in some of the other States that don't cope as well as Vermont. "Penny? Penny? Where did you go? I'm kidding, Penny!"
Have fun, make some snow angels!
I'm with you. All the seasons have charm. Except summer. When you are too hot in your skin, there is not a lot you can do.
Your snow drifts looked and sounded soooo exotic here. Thank you.
We will put Penny to good work in the less-capable areas (ahem, Connecticut). It seems everything is under control and it was nowhere near the catastrophe the media wants to make it. The worst I've personally heard is my brother's complaint that the wet snow in New Jersey kept clogging the snowblower.
It's just beautiful. :)
EC- That's just what I think. It gets to a point of humid heat that's disgusting and there's no taking off your skin and sitting in your bones. I'll take putting on a hoodie and thick sicks anytime over the inescapable swelter. I think I love your garden photos much as you like our snow shots. ;)
I'm glad you finally got your big ol' snowfall. (Tell me in a couple weeks if you're still enjoying it...) Love the funny map, and the pretty pics.
Congrats on a lovely storm up in Bratt. We're still digging out in Boston--we got about two feet, not as bad as the three feet that was threatened, but enough to make this the biggest storm we've seen around here.
And, yes, the map and the captioned picture of the dog are priceless. We need a little winter humor.
And, I enjoy all the seasons in New England, even summer (but I'm a skinny old runt).
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