Winter is ending. That's what I keep telling myself. Even when it was snowing this afternoon. Even when I can't leave a window open for 10 minutes without freezing.
Bah. I was looking forward to "The Vikings", the new series. It's the Sopranos in furs and leather, and historically as accurate as the Flintstones. :P No true Viking! would put up with it. The costumes and settings are cool, though.
Mercury Retro has been a real treat. From things being set up quickly and cancelled even faster, to plans being switched around, to dousing myself in flour last night and in milky cheese sauce tonight, I'm so enjoying it. Well, I had some nice evenings with friends I haven't seen in a while over the last few days.
Billy and I are in touch most days. All's going along for him, though the third death dropped. Another friend from the old neighborhood is gone, leaving Billy's old pal from high school, Little Eddie, the last alive in his family. This deal of being the last couple alive, and then the last one, is awful.
Strider and Ems the Wonderdog abide. She put a pic of Em's nose online, makes you want to reach thru the screen and kiss that snoot. She's always been a remarkable photographer. I secretly wish she'd do that for a living. Not so secret now.
Brattleboro elections are this Tuesday. Frankly I'm very discouraged and ennui'd about the whole thing. It may be time to just walk away from all things "important" and focus on doing what I want to finish. Writing, reading, art projects, the many movies that are stacked and waiting to be seen. Perhaps I'll step back from everything for a while. The Heat Fund drive ends with the March radio show so that's off my shoulders until the Fall... yes, time for a little "I don't care" and just plain "No, not me". My health is in the toilet. So yes, as of the 13th I'm not an activista for a while.
The Beest is a pig. She's a cat, but a pig. She ate rosebush to death, then dined on begonia and went on a barfing binge for several days, then chewed off her belly fur as it was growing in (again) and barfed some more. And for her encore yesterday, she came running by with a turd hanging from her butt. Which she dropped in the kitchen and then ran off into the bedroom. Very nice.
I continue being single.
My hair is getting very long.
Spring is on the way.
1 year ago
Austan, it's got to get better. I haven't posted on my blog for a while because I was a crime victim this past week and have been trying to reclaim my legal identity and equilibrium. It's equal parts mess and depressing. Sorry to learn tv series was disappointing but really, they couldn't spell Viking! right so what could we expect. As to Springtime, I too welcome it, embrace it. Let's look forward to happy times!
OH MY GOD GEO. ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?! If it helps to tell, tell. It helped me, until I got sick of telling. Yes, anyone who doesn't know the simplest rules of Viking!dom isn't promising. Let me know you're okay, ok? Spring will bring changes. Deep breaths.
The Beest is very special indeed. I am ashamed to say that I chuckled - mostly because it isn't (as it so easily could) happening here at the moment. Jewel is never very sick - she is a little bit sick in half a dozen places, all of them carpet or my bed.
And yes, deactivating yourself for a while sounds a very, very good idea.
You are important. Look after yourself.
Nearly Autumn here. Hooray!!!
EC- I always find other cats' torture routines funny. We must be masochists to want them around.
I need a rest and a turn around time. My chest has been tight lately and I'm not sleeping well. So yes, vacation time. I've been in it for 10 years. Break time.
Spring and Autumn are the best seasons! Yay!
Winter has a way of beating us down, doesn't it. I am glad you have made a decision to take care of Número 1. Nothing else can get done if we don't pay attention first to our own well being. We probably all just eyed a little bit of spring to get our engines going again.
It's been a tough winter for a lot of folks health wise and otherwise. You need to take a break from the misery in the world and focus on healing and happiness. Do something creative that will raise your spirits. Good on you keeping a sense of humour about the Beestly One.
Now, just think how bored you'd be if you didn't have the cat barf to clean up all the time. (Said the lady who is also cleaning up cat barf far more often than she'd like.) I think if we ever get another male cat, I'll have to name him Herr Ball.
Arleen- and I swear I woke up feeling 10 years younger. I'm going to do a couple little things (it's AMOK Day) and then I'm entirely incommunicado for the day. Oliver Reed's biography, here I come!
Lawless- it's really been a drag of a Winter, hasn't it? It's not seeming longer or such, but it's had a lot of sturm und drang to it. So yes, a few months of not doing. Playing is the way out. That's what I'm gonna do.
Herr Ball!!! That's great!! If Beest threw up her food, I'd be concerned. But she's still 15 pounds worth of puke machine. It's a wonderment.
For all of you with puking cats - you need to get Cosequin for Cats. It's a capsule that you open and sprinkle on your cat's food. It's marketed for joints (see the commercial for the dog version that features Jack Hanna). However, our vet recommended it for our cat who gets uti's often. Her UTI's are caused by her stomach - don't ask me. The Cosequin helps line the stomach better and it has helped greatly. You can find it online for $20 for 80 capsules. Yes, Laura, I'm sounding like a commercial again! But, it really does help. Use 1 capsule a day, not 2 like the bottle says. Petsmart also carries it, but it's $25 for 55 capsules.
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