Facebook is a trip. I can see how people could get lost in it for weeks, because everyone and their brother is in there somewhere. I don't get the game addiction, but then I never did. The thing about Facebook is (I mean aside from all their objectionable bits) that it's endless. One person finding you leads to others finding you, then you find someone and look through their "friends" page and it's- "Wow! Look at him/her! I didn't think s/he'd still be alive much less working in an independent organic grocery and making films on the side!"
Today, for instance. I don't know how Bob Cuccioli popped up on my page but I haven't seen him in 18 years. So I sent him a friend request and voila! We're in touch. Then I saw a comment on a friend's post, made by someone with the same name as a guy I knew in the 80s, which led me to find 2 roomies from back then. Crazy.
It also makes me create characters and backstories, but that's another post...
Anyway, I can easily see how people end up with 4000 "friends". Another part of this experience is realizing how many people have been in my life. There have been A LOT. Schoolmates, coworkers, causes, clubs, loves, roommates, family friends, people I partied with - it adds up over a lifetime.
There's the entertainment value too. George Takei alone is worth joining fb.
Still, I can see that someday I'll start "unfriending" people. I'm already limiting what I get notified about. There are those who seem to live on fb and don't eat a meal or take a shower without having to tell the world.
It's been almost a month since I joined. I've caught up with a couple of people that I'm so happy to hear from, and fb is useful. The day that its minuses become bigger than its pluses, I'm out. For now, I'll keep up with George Takei.
1 year ago
Wow. I REALLY admire Geo. Takei but still, when I think of some of the people I've run afowl of...guess I'm just chicken. But your good experiences on FB are most encouraging!
I'm glad it's working for you. I still think I'll give it a miss though.
Geo.- the thing is, you can avoid anyone you don't want to deal with, even look them up and block them. I've got plenty of never-want-to-see-agains too.
Lawless- it ain't for everyone, that's for sure.
I'm with Delores. I don't want/need to be any more connected than I am. Nonetheless for its value in finding your brother I applaud it (from a safe distance).
EC- Haha! I don't blame you. If I hadn't had to find my brother I still wouldn't be in it. Oh and see post below for what happened to your cheque!!
Fb is great for catching up with old friends!
OE- it's a mixed bag though, isn't it? Yes I've been so happy to find several people, but there are those relationships better left as was. In particular there are 3 guys I knew when very young, and they are all still friends. It's nice to know they're alive and well, but I won't put my hand in that tar baby. Part of me wishes I could, but I know I shouldn't, so I won't...
I go to FB to check the photos of my gr-kids. It is the only way I get up dates, too. Grrr.
Oh, Susan, that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that.
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