I had one of those dissociative moments this morning. In the morning fog that I'm becoming used to having these days, I had to regroup. Billy's still missing. Is it really November already? Thanksgiving is 3 weeks away and Christmas, 8 1/2. Halloween goes back in the box and it's time to straighten the house out for the holidays. The windchimes and lawn signs have to go back outside.
And Billy's still MIA.
Kick emailed me that she was going north this a.m. to get gas for the generator. If they could they'd stop by Billy's house. I shouldn't worry about any of them, they're all very capable people and if I got thru Irene they can get thru Sandy. I worry anyway.
There are so many stories coming out of this storm. Trees go roots-up and reveal skeletons. News reporters are helping people around the world locate their dislocated or incommunicado relatives. It'll be another week or more before people have water and power again. And the whole thing is on such a massive scale that I can't grasp it. New Jersey is a very populous place, entirely settled and paved for centuries. It's hard to picture what's happened, even after seeing the photos. Seaside decimated. The whole Jersey shore, all those towns, a big mess now. All those people living in homes that have been flooded, without power or water. And many made homeless. As soon as water recedes, the stench rises. How many homes will be condemned, torn down? How many will have lost everything they ever owned? One article described flying over Seaside, sand-filled roads, and here and there the bright colors of stuffed animals from the boardwalk game stalls, like sprinkles on butterscotch pudding.
Sandy has left about 160 people dead, in all, starting its devastation in the Caribbean. People are missing. A mother lost her grip on her 2 young sons as they were pulled into swelling waters on Staten Island, and she begged nearby houses for help but nobody would come out. A "mini tsunami" tore thru one house in Tottenville, on the southern tip of Staten Island, leaving a 13 year-old girl dead, her mother in critical condition and her father gone. Those claimed by the ocean may never be found.
I continue calling Jersey, but there's no getting thru. The home line has a recording saying my call can't be completed, try again later. Billy's cellphone, which I left a voicemail on Tuesday, just rings and rings now. On top of the power lines being down, cell towers fell too. Day by day my stomach sinks.
Finally just heard from a friend in NY state. She has no power but is otherwise fine. Maybe everyone will just pop up, one by one, like meercats. Meanwhile, we wait.
1 year ago
Is there an on line site where people can leave messages for each other like there was for the Haiti disaster?
You must be in knots right now waiting to hear.
Unimaginable disruption. Reminiscent of my grandparents' storied searches for kin in 1906 San Francisco. Unforgettable fears. Best hopes that you hear soon from your brother.
9:13pm here....I am starting to feel anxious right along with you. Any word yet?
Lawless- I've gone thru everything. There isn't a message board yet, there's no power to be online long. And now those who had generators to charge things are running out of gas for the generators to run. I'm waiting on a response from the Monmouth Sheriff's office and asked an oldtime cop friend of mine here for ideas. 4 days is too long. If he's not dead I'll kill him.
Thanks Geo. I don't like the idea that we have to deal with at least one huge disaster a year lately.
Indeed, I keep checking back here. Just tried googling ham-radio sites in NJ. Don't know specifically what to look for but maybe you do. Researches? I'm at your service.
I don't know anything about ham sites, though my niecely is a ham operator. Is there a directory for maybe the Monmouth County sheriff office to ask them to make a "welfare check" on them?
Ham sites, during emergencies, are usually disorganized olios of info. Best search would respond to your name--if Billy left a message-- or Billy's name, if he left a general message with a ham operator. If Monmouth sheriff or other emergency service has no info, it's more likely to be a positive sign than negative. "Welfare check" couldn't hurt but, under the circumstances, couldn't be conclusive unless there's someone home or a message tacked to the door.
Main listing, Monmouth Sheriff, Freehold NJ: 732-431-7139
Communications Center: 732-577-8700 (Voice or TDD)
Information and Technology Center: 732-577-8750
Information and Technology Help Desk: 732-577-8751
Still crossing everything. Feeling your pain. Hurting for you, hurting with you. When he turns up, can I kill him too?
Geo.- Well. They're out of the office and "may" be back in on Saturday. I'll try tomorrow. Thanks Geo.
EC- Absolutely! He's a big guy, a lot to kill. I'm resolved to stay goofy until there's a reason not to be.
I can't begin to fathom this...
My heart goes out to all those affected, and this afternoon, I'm giving blood.
So many people affected...
Pearl, good for you. If we all do what we can everything will work out.
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