So we were billeted, with instructions to bring all our stuff indoors by noon tomorrow and to stand by for evacuation on Monday morning. Pack your essentials, be prepared for 3-5 days outta the house, the usual. Jeanette still hasn't come by, so I don't know what with her. The first page of the 6 pages + doorknob hanger said there was a town/FEMA/BHA meeting this afternoon.. Then we got phone calls following up and with the further determination that once again, we'll be on cots at the HS if we're evacuated. Our cats will have to stay here and someone will come in to feed and check on them every day we're not here.
So it seems that the gummint has determined we won't know anything for sure about the storm until Monday morning. And our jobs, as public housing Hobbits, is to do as told.
And this weekend I'm sealing off this house. This time it's gonna be bulletproof.
1 year ago
C*** not again. I'm so sorry you have to go through this all over again. Only now it's worse cause you'll be worrying about the Beest. At least though, they are planning on keeping everyone as safe as humanly possible.
Leave the cat! Oh hell no! I'd be finding somewhere to go where I could take the Beestly.
Lawless- all is crossed that it'll pass away and not get here or near anyone. The radar shows it breaking and still hovering at Fla. It's anyone's guess.
Niecely- Beggars can't be choosers. I have no car, no money, no choice.
I am so sorry. And still have everything crossed. For you and the Beest.
Thanks EC. We're pumping up the hope.
They are saying it will be the worst storm in 30 years. We are making preparations today.
Arleen- you're right in the path. I'm worried about you. Please let us know you're okay!!
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