Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Announcement of Gabriel

Well, today Greg finally got around to formally announcing his grandson's birth:

And by coincidence, Kathie sent me a shot of this little cherub today:

Kinda perfect together. May all the gods and fates bless little Gabriel.

And let me add that webmistress to the stars, Eileen Craddock, has used Kathie's cherub for the announcement on Ladies of the Lake.

Can fame and fortune be far behind for our Kathie? ;)


Austan said...

And let me add that webmistress to the stars, Eileen Craddock, has used Kathie's cherub for the announcement on Ladies of the Lake.

Can fame and fortune be far behind for our Kathie? ;)

Elephant's Child said...

Congratulations to all. Gabriel is such a lovely name, and uncommon without being silly. And some celebrities have certainly gone down the silly path.

Austan said...

EC- We're all hoping for a photo of the little guy, too. I don't know what his dad looks like, but I know what his mom and her parents look like, and they're all ridiculously beautiful. And he'll be so loved! He's going to have a good life.