Friday, February 3, 2012

Now We Are Four

Today is the 4th Anniversary of putting my first tentative fingers into blogging. I had almost no knowledge of the internet then, no expectations of where this would go. I did have opinions and stories and that's where I started. And seems to be where I've stayed.

Blogging has brought so many interesting and good people into my life. I maintain that writers are among the best humans possible. Writing daily has disciplined me, has made me more aware of what's going on in the world, and has made me get to know myself on a different level. It's been challenging, sometimes tough, sometimes a joy.
I'm very glad I do it, and very grateful for the people I've found in blogworld.

On to year 5.


CarrieBoo said...

Four years? Congrats. That must be about a million posts. ;) It's scary putting yourself out there like that -- thank bejeebas we took a chance. I shall clink my wine glass to us all tonight.

Austan said...

And I shall clink my...salad dish. :D

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...


All of us in Blog World took the chance of putting ourselves out there for the world to see. We are brave ones, aren't we.

I consider it "my big adventure."

I, also, clink my salad bowl to you.

sdt (a.k.a. stevil) said...

A toast with a salad bowl? Shouldn't that be toast (lightly seasoned and cut into small squares) on the salad? (Or is bread off the list these days?)
Whatever, CONGRATULATIONS! And best wishes for many more happy years of sounding off.

Austan said...

Arleen- It's true, we throw down our thoughts and feelings out here. Thankfully, I've fallen in amongst some pretty terrific people, and that's made it a soft place to land. "clink"

Stevil- Ah, you're behind in the story. Yes, bread is gone, bye-bye, no more. Thank you, dahling, let us go forward in blogging all together!

sdt (a.k.a. stevil) said...

Austan wrote "Stevil- Ah, you're behind in the story...". Well, not really. I just don't remember all of the details anymore. Kind of like knowing all the names in a Russian novel - just not gonna stay in the data bank, but that doesn't mean I can't keep the characters apart. I have to go over some things again and again before some of it sticks.

Austan said...

Stevil- so it's just being old...?

sdt (a.k.a. stevil) said...

> so it's just being old...?

No, not really. I've always been this way. In the early 1970's, I think I quite upset a friend of mine when I asked her if she'd ever seen the moive M*A*S*H.

As it turns out, we'd seen it together.