Monday, July 4, 2011

What a Blast!

Without much of a hitch at all, the party came off and I'm really on my last legs now. It was soooo fine to see everyone and all be in the same spot, something we haven't done in years. As always, I made too much food, but that's a problem? No. People took things home. And I have more than enough food to last a week. I may have to give more away.

There was, like at every party, lots of chatter, catching up, laughing. Throwing a party is having a house of joy. And everybody made it save my old co-worker, no doubt drafted into doing something he didn't want to do. Even Chels, freshly back from Tanzania, skinny as a rail but radiant, made it in at the end. And yes, I had a Grinch moment. More than one.

I'm a tired but very happy camper. Tonight I'd probably be able to see the fireworks from my front porch but I doubt I'll make it to that time. Friends even cleaned up and put food away for me (good thing too cuz I've had a few beers and I'm not good for much right now). As soon as the Q-Bossy is cool it'll go in the fridge and it's nighty-night for little Austan.

I wish everyone the happiness and satisfaction I have right now. Ya gotta have friends.

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