It seems to pop up in particularly heebie-jeebie years when a lot has happened. While in the race you go, and the minute you sit down with a cuppa to gaze at the tree (and I've noticed, following a week or two of not much sleep) you fall apart. If the usual follows, I'll have 2 or 3 more days of feeling like crapola and then rally in time to finish decorating, clean and cook for The Day. Glad it's mostly done- the pressies are wrapped, just some few things to finish setting up, still have to find and fill stockings- and all the holiday food is in the house. It's good timing to crash.
This is one of those colds from schooldays. The low fever, sore throat and disgusting nose kind. The Dennis Nolan Nose, the kid on our block who spent all winter with a steady stream of snot flowing freely down his face and sometimes his jacket front. Disgusting.
So out comes the chicken noodle soup fortified with spinach and garlic,on with the flannel pjs, and off I go for lots of sleep. It's nice to have a kitty whose main interest in life is sleeping beside you and snuggling some part of herself under a hand. I'll be back when the fog lifts. Sweet dreams.
11 months ago
Oh nuts!!!! May the misery leave you soon. Hildie, heads up, she's going to need lots of purring.
Stink. This is the worst time to get the sniffles. I too have noticed that people struggle through their work without falling sick, but as soon as they go on holiday, and they can relax, WHAMMO.
Down they go.
Keep up with the soup and bed. Best remedy, but don't forgt the whisky. Just a little, gargled (and swallowed)just before bed, takes away the edge of a sore throat.
If it's the mess I had all day Saturday, it's mostly a one day affair! Sneezy runny crappy starting on one side of the nose, finishing the day on the other side. Feeling much better today, but exhausted after work. Most symptoms gone after nap. Hope your is as short, if not shorter.
Thanks everyone. Have slept a lot today, and yes, gargled with whiskey- which helped! After much noseblowing and coughing it does seem to be better. Hildie has even behaved herself. After another long sleep I may be back to the usual. I'm remembering that whiskey tip though!
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