Friday, November 25, 2011

A Day at Strider's

Written at 11 am on October 25th. If all goes well, when this posts I'll be sitting at Sr. Clarisse in my broken down wing chair.

Mornings are quiet. I wake up with pins and needles arm and bitching hip. I find a position to hit presssure points and lay there a while. Neither of us can speak or bear noise in the morning. One or the other of us is up or gets up, lets the animals out. Hildie follows me to the bathroom and jumps onto the sink for her morning drink. Strider goes to work, or tries to sleep in, or isn't here.

Ems comes in and gets breakfast. Clem stays out. She'll be back in an hour. Coffee is drunk. Lots of coffee by me. I'm drinking it black with nothing in it these days. It's good coffee. I go online. Catch up with emails, read the news, blog. Strider may or may not be in the kitchen, or in her big chair, or upstairs. At some point we start talking. Sometimes music or movies get played. Sometimes it's quiet and there's reading. Here and there is a morning that's a Strider's-Very-Constructive day. Food is discussed. More emails by me or FBing by Strider. Animals going out or coming in or wanting rubbing. This is repeated in various forms.

Somebody cooks. Animals get fed and go out or come back in. Hildie follows me to the bathroom a few times. News is discussed. Maybe a short bitch session. Laughing. More music, or movie, or reading. Dinner happens. Everybody eats. Laughing. One of the animals does something. Laughing. Strider gets into big chair, I sit at desk, both online. We laugh at things online. All of a sudden it's late. Strider goes to bed. I read for a while, eventually sleep deeply...


Austan said...

P.S. All went well, and I'm here sitting at Sr. Clarissa, in my broken down wing chair. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are indeed and before too long Strider will be there with your kitteh and your home will be complete. Just one more thing to be thankful for.

Austan said...

Lawless! It's true, and this was a particularly thankful Thanksgiving. And if you look at things, there's always more to be thankful for.