It's January 8th and it's 40'F according to my outdoor thermometer. We've had some cold (last week) and some snow (twice since I've been home but it doesn't stay). This isn't right. At this rate there won't be a January thaw because there's been no deep freeze.
In the last years I've noticed that seasons have moved by a few weeks and that Spring and Fall have been shorter than ever. And I'm sure there have been other New England winters when there was no snow and it felt more like Florida than Vermont in January. Last year snow didn't come til after Christmas. But we're 2 weeks past Christmas now and there's no sign of snow in the forecast for the week ahead. Temps are expected to be around 40'F in the day every day, with rain on Thursday. The 2 big ski weekends are the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and Presidents' Day. MLK Jr. is the coming weekend. This weather is no good sign for our tourist-based economy, and adds to the already depressed and struggling times we're in. First Irene put the kibosh on the Peeper Season (though I'm told there were gawkers for the storm destruction) and now this. Not good. As travel writers have noted, the people who have timeshares and second homes will come anyway- there are snow machines to make up for it- but the random "Let's go ski this weekend" folks won't be showing up, and they make up a lot of the profit.
So these are nervous times. Pray for snow.
1 year ago
Although for different reasons, I share your apparent misery. Where the heck is my blasted winter??
If I see any signs at all of snow here I will dash outside and redirect it to your place.
STG- Where did winter go? South?
Lawless- Please do. Use a firm voice and point.
It's in the 50's here and I am lovin' it. The snow will come soon enough.
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